How Long to Use LED Light Therapy on Your Face

How Long to Use LED Light Therapy on Your Face?

How often should you use LED light therapy on your face to see results? This is a common question among those looking to incorporate this innovative skincare treatment into their regular routines.

to get the most out of LED light therapy, it's crucial to understand the recommended usage guidelines. Whether you're using a professional-grade device in a dermatologist's office or an at-home LED mask, consistency and timing are key factors in achieving the desired results. In this blog post, we'll dive into the optimal frequency and duration for using LED light therapy on your face to ensure you're getting the maximum benefits.

What is LED light therapy?

LED light therapy is a non-invasive skincare treatment that uses varying wavelengths of light to address various skin concerns. It was originally developed by NASA for plant growth experiments and later found to have promise for wound treatment.

This therapy can help regenerate the skin from aging, treat acne, improve skin texture and appearance, and aid in wound healing. Red light is primarily used for anti-aging, while blue light is used for acne treatment.The different wavelengths of LED light penetrate the skin at varying depths, potentially triggering biological processes. Research suggests that LED light therapy can yield positive results for several skin conditions, including acne, skin aging, and skin wounds.

LED light therapy is available both in-office and through at-home devices. In-office treatments are typically more powerful and effective, while at-home devices may provide more subtle improvements. Consistency is key, and regular treatments are necessary to maintain results.

What does LED light therapy do?

LED light therapy is a versatile skincare treatment that can address a variety of skin concerns and conditions. Some of the key things it can do include:

  1. Treat acne - The blue light wavelengths used in LED therapy have been shown to be effective at killing acne-causing bacteria and reducing inflammation.
  2. Reduce signs of aging - The red light wavelengths can stimulate collagen production, which can improve skin texture, tone, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. Promote wound healing - LED light therapy can accelerate the skin's natural healing processes, making it beneficial for treating wounds, scars, and other skin injuries.
  4. Reduce inflammation - The light therapy has anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm redness and swelling in the skin.
  5. Improve overall skin health - By targeting different skin concerns with the various light wavelengths, LED therapy can lead to an improvement in overall skin texture, tone, and radiance.

Are there different kinds of LED light therapy?

Yes, there are several different types of LED light therapy that utilize various wavelengths of light to target specific skin concerns:

  • Blue Light Therapy: This type of LED light therapy uses blue wavelengths that primarily impact the skin's outermost layer. It can help reduce acne breakouts by potentially decreasing oil production and killing acne-causing bacteria. Blue light may also aid in wound healing.

  • Red Light Therapy: Red LED light penetrates the skin more deeply and can stimulate collagen production. This can help diminish the appearance of scars, signs of aging, and inflammation. Red light also has anti-aging benefits by tightening the skin, reducing wrinkles and fine lines, and improving overall skin smoothness and softness.

  • Near-Infrared Light Therapy: Near-infrared LED light has the deepest level of skin penetration. It can boost cell permeability, increase skin elasticity, speed up healing, reduce pain and swelling, and decrease the look of wrinkles and lines.

  • Combination Therapies: Dermatologists often combine multiple LED light colors, like red and blue, to comprehensively address a patient's unique skin concerns. At-home LED devices may also utilize a mix of wavelengths.

The versatility of LED light therapy lies in its ability to use different colored lights that penetrate the skin at varying depths to target specific issues, making it a useful tool for treating a wide range of dermatological problems.

Does LED light therapy actually work?

LED light therapy does appear to be an effective and safe skincare treatment for a variety of skin concerns:

LED phototherapy has been "well-proven to work" and has "many useful aspects in clinical practice" when the proper wavelength, intensity, and dose are used. It has been effective for wound healing, pain attenuation, anti-inflammatory effects, and skin rejuvenation.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, most people with acne will experience some improvement with LED light therapy, although it may not clear all acne. Several sessions are necessary to notice improvements.

The evidence suggests that LED light therapy can yield positive results for skin conditions like acne, skin aging, and skin wounds, though it may not provide 100% improvement and follow-up treatments may be necessary.

Regular use of LED light therapy, following the recommended frequency and duration, is encouraged to achieve the best outcomes for skin health and appearance.

LED light therapy is considered a safe, painless, and effective way to heal and rejuvenate the skin, with benefits like improved skin texture, reduced acne, and stimulated collagen production.

So in summary, the available information indicates that LED light therapy can be an effective treatment option for a variety of skin concerns when used properly, though individual results may vary and follow-up treatments may be needed to maintain the benefits. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended to ensure it is the right treatment approach.

What doesn’t LED light therapy treat?

  1. Skin cancer: While LED light therapy may be used to treat small and superficial basal cell carcinomas, it is not an effective treatment for more advanced or deeper skin cancers. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.

  2. Aging caused by blue light: Some research has found that blue light therapy may actually contribute to skin aging by causing free radical damage. The long-term safety of LED light therapy is still not fully understood.

  3. Dramatic anti-aging or acne-reducing results with at-home devices: At-home LED light therapy devices are generally less powerful than professional in-office treatments, so they may only provide subtle improvements in skin appearance rather than dramatic results.

  4. All skin conditions: While LED light therapy can be beneficial for a variety of skin concerns like acne, aging, and wound healing, it may not be an effective treatment for every skin condition. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended to determine if LED light therapy is appropriate for your specific skin needs.

How long does it take for LED light therapy to work? 

Here's how long it typically takes for LED light therapy to work:

  1. You may start to see minor results after your first LED light therapy session, but more dramatic and noticeable results will come after you've completed all the recommended treatments.

  2. For best results, regular use of LED light therapy over an 8-12 week period is recommended. This usually involves 2-3 sessions per week, with each session lasting around 10-20 minutes.

  3. Even after the initial recommended treatment period, the results are not permanent. You may need to go back for maintenance treatments every few months to maintain the benefits.

  4. At-home LED light therapy devices may provide more subtle improvements compared to professional in-office treatments, which tend to be more powerful and effective. Consistent use of at-home devices over 4-8 weeks is typically needed to see any noticeable results.

  5. The speed and extent of results can vary depending on the individual, their skin condition, and the specific LED light therapy being used. Consulting a dermatologist can help determine the appropriate treatment plan and timeline for your needs.

Who should not have LED light therapy?

  1. People taking Accutane (isotretinoin) for acne:
    • The search results indicate that individuals taking Accutane should avoid LED light therapy, as it can be harmful.

  2. People with active skin rashes or irritation:
    • The search results advise that people with skin conditions or active rashes should consult a dermatologist before using LED light therapy, as it may not be appropriate for their skin.

  3. People with light sensitivity or photosensitivity:
    • The search results suggest that individuals with skin conditions that make them sensitive to light should avoid LED light therapy, as it could potentially exacerbate their condition.

  4. People with certain skin cancers:
    • While LED light therapy may be used to treat small, superficial basal cell carcinomas, it is not an effective treatment for more advanced or deeper skin cancers. Consulting a dermatologist is recommended.

What happens before LED light therapy?

Before In-Office LED Light Therapy

  • You will need to remove any makeup or skincare products from the treatment area.
  • You may be asked to wear protective goggles to prevent eye damage from the bright lights.
  • The dermatologist or aesthetician will cleanse your skin to prepare it for the treatment.

Before At-Home LED Light Therapy

  • You should cleanse your face and remove any makeup or skincare products.
  • Follow the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of your at-home LED device.
  • Some devices may require you to apply a serum or cream before using the LED mask or wand.

How do you use an at-home device?

When using an at-home LED light therapy device like the 7 Color LED Face Mask from Restore Fitness, here's how to properly use it:

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly to remove any makeup, oils, or skincare products. This will allow the LED light to penetrate your skin effectively.

  2. Plug in the LED mask and turn it on. The mask from Restore Fitness has 7 different colored LED lights that you can cycle through using the remote control.

  3. Position the mask comfortably on your face, making sure it covers the areas you want to target. The mask should fit snugly but not uncomfortably.

  4. Set the timer on the mask according to the manufacturer's instructions. The Restore Fitness mask has a 10-minute auto shut-off timer.

  5. Relax and let the LED light therapy do its work. You may feel a gentle warming sensation, but there should be no pain or discomfort.

  6. Once the timer goes off, remove the mask and follow up with your regular skincare routine, such as applying a moisturizer.

  7. Use the Restore Fitness LED mask 3-5 times per week for best results. Consistency is key when using at-home LED light therapy devices.

The different colored lights in the Restore Fitness mask target various skin concerns - blue light for acne, red light for anti-aging, and so on. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to get the most out of your at-home LED light therapy sessions.

What are the benefits of LED light therapy?

  1. Improved Skin Texture and Tone:
    • LED light therapy can improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and result in a more refined and radiant complexion.
  2. Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles:
    • By boosting collagen and elastin production, LED therapy helps reduce the signs of aging, leading to firmer, plumper skin.
  3. Acne and Inflammation Management:
    • The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of LED light therapy make it effective for managing acne and reducing redness/swelling.
  4. Accelerated Wound Healing and Tissue Repair:
    • LED light therapy can stimulate cellular activity to promote quicker tissue repair and reduce downtime after facial surgeries.
  5. Reduced Post-Surgical Inflammation and Swelling:
    • The anti-inflammatory properties of LED light therapy are crucial for managing post-operative recovery.
  6. Minimized Scarring:
    • By encouraging collagen formation and supporting natural healing, LED therapy can help minimize scarring.
  7. Stimulated Collagen Production:
    • Red light therapy in particular can boost collagen production, which helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
  8. Improved Skin Clarity and Brightness:
    • LED light therapy can help treat sun damage, pigmentation issues, and uneven skin tone.

What are the risks of LED light therapy?

he main risks and potential side effects of LED light therapy include:

  1. Skin Irritation and Inflammation:
    • Some people may experience mild redness, swelling, or sensitivity after LED light therapy treatments. This is usually temporary and resolves on its own.
  2. Photosensitivity:
    • Certain medications and skin conditions can increase photosensitivity, making the skin more prone to irritation from the LED light. Consulting a dermatologist is advised.
  3. Lack of Long-Term Safety Data:
    • While LED light therapy appears safe in the short-term, there is less information available about its long-term safety and potential side effects with prolonged use.

How can I make sure LED light therapy is right for me?

  1. Consult a dermatologist:
    • It's crucial to consult a dermatologist, especially if you have any existing skin conditions or are taking medications that could interact with LED light therapy.
    • A dermatologist can assess your skin type and concerns, and recommend the appropriate LED light therapy protocol for your needs.
  2. Disclose your medical history:
    • Be sure to inform your dermatologist or skincare provider about any medications you are taking, as well as any skin conditions or sensitivities you have.
    • This will help them determine if LED light therapy is safe and suitable for you.
  3. Start with a patch test:
    • If you're using an at-home LED device, it's a good idea to do a patch test on a small area of your skin first to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions.
    • Monitor the area for any irritation, redness, or sensitivity before proceeding with full-face treatments.
  4. Follow the recommended usage guidelines:
    • Adhere to the manufacturer's instructions for frequency and duration of use, especially when using at-home LED devices.
    • Overuse or improper use of LED light therapy can potentially lead to side effects.
  5. Monitor your skin's response:
    • Pay attention to how your skin reacts to the LED light therapy treatments, and discontinue use if you experience any persistent irritation or discomfort.
    • If you have any concerns, consult your dermatologist.
  6. Consider your skin type and concerns:
    • Different wavelengths of LED light target specific skin issues, so make sure the therapy is tailored to your individual needs.
    • Discuss your goals and skin type with your provider to ensure the right LED light therapy approach.

What is the recovery time after LED light therapy?

One of the key benefits of LED light therapy is that there is no recovery time required after the treatment. You should be able to resume your normal daily activities immediately following an LED light therapy session.

Unlike more invasive cosmetic procedures, LED light therapy is a non-invasive and painless treatment. There are typically no significant side effects or complications that would necessitate a recovery period.


When should I see my healthcare provider?

Here are some key instances when you should consult your healthcare provider regarding LED light therapy:

If you have any existing skin conditions or are taking medications, it's crucial to speak to a dermatologist before starting LED light therapy. They can assess your skin and determine if this treatment is appropriate for you.

People taking the acne medication Accutane (isotretinoin) should avoid LED light therapy, as it can be harmful. Always consult your dermatologist first.

If you have active skin rashes, irritation, or conditions that make you sensitive to light, talk to your dermatologist before using LED light therapy, as it may not be suitable for your skin.

When using at-home LED devices, do a patch test on a small area first to ensure you don't have any adverse reactions. Monitor the area carefully before proceeding with full treatments.

If you experience any persistent irritation, redness, or discomfort during or after LED light therapy treatments, discontinue use immediately and consult your dermatologist.


How To Use An LED Face Mask?

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly to remove any makeup, oils, or skincare products. This allows the LED light to penetrate your skin effectively.

  2. Plug in the LED mask and turn it on. The Restore Fitness mask has 7 different colored LED lights that you can cycle through using the remote control.

  3. Position the mask comfortably on your face, making sure it covers the areas you want to target. The mask should fit snugly but not uncomfortably.

  4. Set the timer on the mask according to the manufacturer's instructions. The Restore Fitness mask has a 10-minute auto shut-off timer.

  5. Relax and let the LED light therapy do its work. You may feel a gentle warming sensation, but there should be no pain or discomfort.

  6. Once the timer goes off, remove the mask and follow up with your regular skincare routine, such as applying a moisturizer.

  7. Use the LED mask 3-5 times per week for best results. Consistency is key when using at-home LED light therapy devices.

How Long to Use LED Light Therapy on Your Face?

  1. At-Home Use:
    • For best results with at-home LED masks, the recommendations are to use them 3-5 times per week.
    • Consistent, regular use over an 8-12 week period is typically needed to see noticeable improvements in the skin.

Is Red Light Therapy At Home Effective?

For best results with the Restore LED mask, consistent use 3-5 times per week over an 8-12 week period is recommended. Each treatment session should be 10-20 minutes long.

The Restore mask uses different colored LED lights to target various skin concerns such as acne, aging, and inflammation. Consistent, regular use of the device is key for seeing noticeable improvements in skin appearance.



The Restore 7 Color LED Face Mask offers a convenient and accessible way for individuals to incorporate the benefits of LED light therapy into their at-home skincare routines. 

Consistent use of this device can provide gradual improvements in skin health and appearance. By targeting a variety of concerns with its multi-colored LED lights, the Restore mask empowers users to take a proactive approach to their complexion.


Q: How long does it take to see results from using the Restore 7 Color LED Face Mask?
A: For best results, it's recommended to use the Restore LED mask 3-5 times per week for 8-12 weeks. While you may notice minor improvements after the first few sessions, more noticeable changes in skin texture, tone, and clarity typically take several weeks of consistent use to achieve.

Q: Can the Restore LED mask be used in combination with other skincare products or treatments?
A: Yes, the Restore 7 Color LED Face Mask can be used in conjunction with other skincare products and treatments. In fact, many users find that pairing the LED therapy with serums, moisturizers, or even professional procedures can enhance the overall benefits to the skin.

Q: Is the Restore LED mask safe for all skin types?
A: While the Restore LED mask is generally well-tolerated, it's always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist, especially if you have any pre-existing skin conditions or sensitivities. They can provide guidance on whether the Restore device is suitable for your individual skin type and needs.


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